Your contact to us

Would you like to contact us or do you have questions about our products? Then contact us by phone or e-mail.

Our business hours are from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Advanced Plywood GmbH
Managing Director: Martin Gottwald
Willy-Brandt-Platz 2
12529 Schoenefeld

Phone: +49 30 6706908-10
Mobile phone: +49 160 9448 7011

Our team is looking forward to your message.

Further contact persons

Aljona Sergeeva

Head of sales 

Andrea Barnickel

Head of logistics

Phone: +49 30 6706908-21

Mobile phone: +49 172 3131044


Klaus Betke

Quality assurance/production

Christoph Leeder

Engineer/production processes

Phone: +49 30 6706908-40

Mobile phone: +49 1520 3657436


Our company headquarters are located in Schoenefeld nearby Berlin

Source: Google Maps